Sunday 20 May 2012



Governo liu husi SEK hodi halo ARQUIVO & MUSEU para hodi tau documentasaun RESISTENSIA TIMORENSE nian kapas tebes. Documentaun Resistensia nian tau iha MUSEU hanesan dalan ida para povo timor leste hotu-hotu liu-liu Joventude bele Asesu oinsa lalaok RESISTENSIA ba ukun an ninian. 

Arquivo no Museu  importante tebes atu hari tamba ho fatin hirak mak governo liu SEK bele habelar Historia Resistensia timor leste ba povo timor leste tomak. Povo timor leste persiza hatene historia resistensia  timor leste ninian, tamba joventude sira nebe mak moris depois de tempo resistensia ladun hatene prosesu resistensia ida ne’e. 

Ministerio educasaun mos seidauk iha kurikulum nebe mak kompleta sobre historia ba resistensia timor leste nian. Tamba ne’e mak ho inagurasaun fatin RESISTÊNSIA TIMORENSE ARQUIVO & MUSEU hanesan pasu impotante ida ba servisu SEK nian hodi habelar existensia resistensia timor leste hodi alkansa ba ukun an ida ne’e.

Arquivo no Museu inagura husi Presidenti Parlamento Nasional Sr.Fernando La Sama Aroujo, Presidente Portugal Sr. Cavaco Silva, Presidente Indonesia Sr. Susilo Bambang Yudiono, no bainaka sira nebe mak mai partisipa loron restaurasaun 20 de maio de 2012.

Arquivo no Museu ida ne’e iha parte ida tau dicumentasaun Resistensia timor leste ninian mas iha parte ida mos tau equipamento cultura timor leste nian. Mak hanesan :
1. Estatua Fatuk
    Estatua sira ne’e mai husi Distrito bobonaro, no distrito liquica
2. Estatua Ai
    Estatua sira ne’e mai husi Distrito Dili Atauro, husi Kupang timor, no iha timor leste tomak
3. Ai-to’os
    Estatua sira ne’e mai husi distrito Oecusse, Bobonaro, lautem, Dili Atauro no Ainaro
4    4. Estatua Odamatan
    Estatua sira ne’e mai husi Distrito Ermera/Atsabe, Covalima/Holpilat, Bobonaro/Lolotoe no bobonaro.
5. Lesun Ai
    Estatua sira ne’e mai husi Dili Atauro, no Timor leste tomak
6. Museu no Arquvo ida ne’e mos iha salaun multimedia hodi loke filmazen Resistensia timor leste ninian.
Ita hotu espera ho inagurasaun fatin ida ne’e povo  timor leste liu-liu joventude sira bele hatene didiak Resistensia timor leste ninian, sira iha koragen katak saida mak ita nian funu nain sira halo ona iha tempo resistensia bele motiva sira hodi estuda barak liu tan e aprende barak liu tan para futuru sira bele lori nasaun ida ba diak liu tan no sai nasaun melhor iha mundo internasional.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Tais Timor: the expression and the reality

Tais Timor: the expression and the reality

In the past, the time of our ancestors, timor leste existing traditional production, such as: tais.Ya, tais timor. Identity to the Timor-Leste. Between counties in the state have timor leste motifs and colors, with the difference that is not too prominent, but the motive is almost the same. 

How to make tais, the process through soru. Stuff to make it, such as: kabas (threads), in the era now kabas (threads) in stores or supermarkets. But from the days of our ancestors, people make a thread through the traditional kabas, climbing kabas into yarn for making tais. Soru tais are usually made by the women of Timor-Leste (the old folks in timor leste), there are usually made with their own and some are usually made with a group. And usually in groups more effective and timely manner, different from the soru tais with its own, it usually takes until there is even a weekly to monthly. 

What about soru tais on today? Nowadays the young people in Timor Leste can no longer even make tais (soru tais) probably because most of them living in the city, so they can no longer make tais (soru tais), and usually in earlier times people wear timor leste tais as the clothes to attend formal events, but now no longer visible, especially on such occasions are usually people timor leste tais always used to follow the show but now no longer wear (, they are turning to the goods- modern goods that are exported from abroad, they are not comfortable wearing tais as the traditional stuff, but prefer to wear items made overseas, such as: pants, shirts and other branded. They feel embarrassed when wearing tais at formal events, feel cheesy, but in fact they are wrong, because these goods are a traditional goods because of the inherited by our ancestors.

Tuesday 8 May 2012


cultura ate ual ku'ur (harohan ba ai-to'os) iha sub.distrito iliomar

cultura ate ual ku'ur (harohan ba ai-to'os) sai hanesan cultura nebe mak uniku teb-tebes iha sub.dsitrito iliomar. cultura ida ne'e sai hanesan instrumentu ka meios ida para ita nudar humano bele respeito no konsidera ita nia beiala sira, ate ual ka ai to'os ida ne'e dezenvolve ka kria para lia nain sira bele uja hanesan simbolu ka instrumentu ida nebe mak representa beiala sira nia presenca iha ita nia le'et bainhira ita halo ritual ida ne'e, para lia nain sira bele halo komunikasaun iha cerimonia ritual refere.

ate ual ku'ur (harohan ba  ai to'os) hala'o tamba dala ruma ema balu hetan moras nebe iha indikasaun katak moras refere mosu tamba ema sira ne'e ladun tau atensaun ba fatin sagradu nebe mak durante ne'e ita nia beiala husik hela mai ita, i informasaun ida ne'e ita bele hatene karik ita ba matan do'ok ruma.  tamba ne'e mak ita persiza halo tuir informasaun nebe mak matan do'ok fo hatene mai ita, ho dalan ba harohan ba fatin sagradu nebe mak matan do'ok hatudu mai ita. ha'a wein ere muni isi ku'ur (fatin refere persiza harohan fila fali) tamba durante ne'e la tau konsiderasaun.

atu hala'o ritual ida ne'e (ate ual ku'ur ka harohan ba ai-to'os), ita persiza lori sasan nebe mak iha relasaun ba ceromonia ritual refere. Mak hanesan : Ate ual (ai-to'os), tais, tabaku no malus, ahu'u hodi mama, hena mean para hodi falun (tabaku, malus, ahu'u, na'an tilun nebe mak tesi sai, manu fulun no etc), no hahan nebe mak oferece ba ritual ida ne'e mak hanesan : fos, na'an no seluk tan nebe mak iha relasaun. na'an bele mai husi bibi, fahi, karau, manu. qualquer saida mak ita lori.

Sunday 29 April 2012



Dili Tais Market is one name that is known in the timor leste, because this is where the vendors selling cultural items such as: Tais, Mortel, Surik, Samurai, Belak, Estatua, Uma Adat, and others.

Cultural goods merchant in this place in the days occupation of Indonesia in Timor Leste, and at that time the merchant is not much these days, and at that time about 10 people more because of the space provided for the sale of goods is limited, and most again occupied by fruit traders, food stalls and also a place to live and mostly from Indonesia. And at that time this place is known by the name of the Tais market.

Monday 23 April 2012

Kazu todan husi Uma Lisan Leo Nain ninian

Tara Bandu Iha Distrito Ermera hetan Viola Husi Uma Lisan Leo Nain

Lia Nain husi Distrito Ermera tomak iha dia 25 de Fevereiro de 2012 hala'o Ceremonia Tara Bandu hanesan lei tradisaun ida ba povo tomak iha distrito Ermera. Iha Ceremonia tara bandu ne'e partisipa maximu husi Lia Nain tomak husi suco 52 iha distrito Ermera, Tara bandu ne'e realiza tamba inisiativa husi Lian Nain sira husi suco 52 nebe mai husi sub.distrito 5 nebe iha Distrito Ermera hanesan Sub.distrito Atsabe, Sub.Distrito Ermera, Sub.Distrito Letefoho, Sub.Distrito Hatulia, Sub.Distrito Railaco no organiza husi Administrasaun Distrital, Paroquia Ermera. Iha Cereimonia Tara bandu ida ne'e lia nain husi suco ida-idak lori animal sira hanesan karau, fahi, bibi, no sira seluk para hodi kasu todan ba ba lei tara bandu refere.

Tara bandu ida ne'e foin mak fulan rua (2) hala'o mas uma lisan balu komesa viola ona lei tara bandu refere, uma lisan husi Leo nain nebe mak mai husi suco Ponilala Nian viola ona regra ka lei tara bandu ida ne'e lubuk wain mak hanesan labele oho karau liu 5, Labele fo sasan ba umane ka mane foun sira, no labele oho animal ba mate foun sira. lia nain sira uma lulik Leo nain no chefe do suco Ponilala rekonhese sala ida ne'e tamba sira viola ona lei tara bandu nebe mak foin dadaun hala'o iha fulan hirak liu ba.

Sunday 22 April 2012

Katalogu Ai To'os

Díli-Sekertariu estádu kultura (SEK), Virgilio Smith, Iha loron 12 fulan Abril foin lalais ne’e komesa lansa oa katálogu ne’ebe ho titulu Koleksaun Ai To’os.

Lansamentu ne’ebe hala’o husi Sekertáriu Estádu Cultura, Virgílio Smith, Akompaña husi Embaixadór Japaun, Yoshitaka Hanada, Reprezentante UNESCO husi Jakarta, Answar Al-said.
Iha serimonia lansamentu ne’e, Sekertáriu Estádu, Virgílio Smith, hateten katak, iha katálogu ida ne’e ko’alia kona ba ai to’os no estátua husi ai. Ai-to’os ho Estátua reprezenta Timor Leste nia ekpresaun cultural material.

“ida ne’e mak simbólu tradisaun ita nian liu husi ai to’os no estátua sira ne’e mak ita nia serimónia tradisionál, liu husi ai to’os ho estátua sira ne’e mak ita harohan, ita oferece sakrifisiu ba ita nia matebian no bei ala sira,” deklara Sekeretáriu Estadu ne’e iha lansamentu.